
  • At present, only a few of Mary’s animal pictures are shown here. More to come. Of special note, her animals paintings show life and movement. She was especially fond of horses quietly grazing or galloping over the countryside.

    Did Mary often sing the Stones song “Wild Horses” when drawing? Perhaps so. Her original song “Palaminos in the Blue Sky” brings out her storytelling sensibilities and love for these beasts. One would question where her fascination for drawing horses came from...

    Whether horses, elephants, cheetahs, dogs, and others, her animal paintings are whimsical, and yet realistic expressions of her love for all of God’s creatures.

    And a brief note here, she loved and painted her little white fluff ball of a dog BOON. Not Boone, Boon. He was named after a dear friend who passed away, and Boon has also sadly passed at this time.